This sample provides C# "Hello World" program that is invoked from Java application in the same process. There is no way to invoke .NET methods from Java classes directly, it is necessary to use native code level. The sample contains C++ library that can invoke any .NET program by mscorlib library. Using the JNI the Java application invokes the C# "Hello World". The sample contains the following files: Makefile - make file README.txt - this readme invoked.cs - the invoked HelloWorld Java program - C# invoker application invoker.cpp - C++ wrapper invokerExp.h - wrapper library exports invoker.h - javah generated file with the native method definition After the success making the following files are produced: invoked.exe - the executable HelloWorld .NET program invoker.class - the compiled Java class that invokes the .NET program invoker.dll - the wrapper library The following environment needs to be set for the correct sample build and execution: INCLUDE must contain the paths to: 1. MS Visual C++ standard include 2. .NET SDK include 3. Java includes Example: %MSDEV%/VC98/Include;%DOTNET%/Include;%JAVA_HOME%/include;%JAVA_HOME%/include/win32 LIB must contain the paths to: 1. MS Visual C++ standard libraries 2. .NET SDK libraries Example: %MSDEV%/VC98/Lib;%DOTNET%/Lib PATH must contain the paths to: 1. MS Visual C++ standard bin 2. MS Dev common bin 3. .NET SDK libraries 4. Java bin Example: %MSDEV%/VC98/Bin;%MSDEV%/Common/MSDev98/Bin;%DOTNET%/Lib;%JAVA_HOME%/bin;%PATH% To run the sample please do: java invoker invoked.exe --Dmitry Ryashchentsev